Shifting MuniBond Landscape 2021-2023

The Shifting Bond Market Buyer Landscape 2021-2023

(Data compiled and supplied by Mr. Barnet Sherman, Senior Managing Partner of the Tenbar Group) 

1.  MuniBond SMA AUM

· Top 10 Muni SMA Managers holds 84% of SMA AUM

· AUM Totals

o $494.6 billion in 2023

o $332.9 billion in 2021

o Growth of 48.5%


2. MuniBond ETF AUM

· Top 10 Muni ETFs holds 98% of ETF AUM

· ETF Totals

o $122.3 billion in 2023

o $83.2 billion in 2021

o Growth of 46.9%


3. MuniBond Mutual Fund (MBMF) AUM

· Top 10 MBMF holds 72% of MBMF AUM

· MBMF AUM Totals

o $846.8 billion in 2023

o $1,089 billion in 2021

o Decline of 22.2%


            It appears that investors and financial advisors have learned the advantages of owning MuniBonds through the SMA (separately managed account chassis) vs owning through a mutual fund. Unfortunately, it took the NAV carnage of March 2020 and the resulting permanent NAV loss in some funds to get capital in motion into SMAs and ETFs.

Investors should strongly consider a portfolio of investment grade #MuniBonds for their "stay rich" money.
Please ask for his updated Whitepaper examining the pitfalls of MuniBond mutual funds, lack of customization and the infinite maturities of MuniBond ETFs, while highlighting the advantages of SMAs to own Municipal Bonds.
Picture take of Jeff Watkinson in Tenerife Spain, which features many different microclimates mostly dictated by the Trade Wind, Canary Current, proximity to the equator and the 12,188ft dormant volcano Teide.,no%20major%20variations%20between%20seasons.
Data complied by and supplied by Mr. Barnet Sherman, Senior Managing Partner of The Tenbar Group 
 #MuniBonds #WatkinsonMunicipalBonds #WatkinsonMuniBonds #TbillandChill #TbillnChill #Munis #VisitTenerife
#getRealStayRich #MBMFF 

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